Can I collaborate with colleagues on my Hybrid/Blended Learning course?

Learn about the expectations and guidelines for collaboration in your Hybrid/Blended Learning course.

We encourage collaboration with colleagues to increase learning. 

Please follow the guidelines below for each assignment type when submitting coursework. 

Please note that Collaboration is not available for students enrolled in a Fast Track course or courses with only one Module 3 assignment submission. 

Read and Respond:   

  • Responses must be written in the words of the course participant  


  • Resources/Investigation must be completed by the course participant  
  • Two or more teachers may use the same article, but the summaries must be individually crafted. 


  • Reflection must be written in the words of the course participant  
  • Reflection should be from one’s professional perspective   


In cases where educators wish to collaborate on an Application and submit the same work, the following guidelines must be met:  

  • Prior to creating the collaborative assignment, complete the Collaboration Request Form
  • Choose up to two Application assignments within a course for collaboration 
  • Collaborate with a maximum of four other people 

Each collaborator must include the following with their coursework submission:

  • Permission granting email  
  • Names of collaborators